
☆ - ☆

05/30 are "troublesome" は, the signatures of the motivation.

★ Today's focus change♪

It is "troublesome" は, the signature of the motivation.

Slightly before,

It is time when it talked with a junior high student.

"Daily life is troublesome".

It has nothing to want to do it and

I say in a subdued voice what.

Faults, is still 14 years; only in that place?

A thing hasty in what do not live

…I thought how, but it does not say. (笑)

It is my and her exchanges as follows.

When "a human being sleeps, and there is something which I am afraid" of,

It becomes troublesome, and it is bored,

A motivation does not happen

"Is it fear?" It is a scary thing, and there be it particularly

"The way of speaking that fear says is incomprehensible".

In other words, when I advance more than this ago,

An unpleasant thing and an embarrassing thing

Can think of って which may rise.


For example, with the thing of the course with human relations

There "are human relations"

She answered immediately.

There are one, nothing; there does not need to be the thing what.

…I thought of と, but it does not say, too. (笑)

With "the part that the face is over a crocodile in a heart ,"

There are the part and both who hide below.

A heart in the bottom,

When I am afraid of the human relations,

I cannot go ahead before.

Then the heart why the face has a crocodile,

The trace which is troublesome in it,

I express it in the form that a motivation is not reflected on.

If I put だって in that way,

In there where an unpleasant thing may be generated

It is the thing which is clear without advancing


The design that, however, there was to think of a little. (^^ ゞ

"But I sleep such time ,"

In fact, it is a chance

Why "is" it? "

So as to "feel だって like that ,"


I am interested in the human relations.

If I can step into there,

I was able to give few power to conventional oneself


Even if it can get oneself who is new, it is a thing

She seems to have been surprised a little.

Such "a thought person ,"

There was not what I did so far

"Yes." Because there are many people whom adult does not know.

Therefore is troublesome だとかやる mind given?

Feeling it like that,

It is not a thing bad particularly.

And the truth oneself

In a chance to step forward to the next one step

I think that I should think that it is possible.

Of course do its best forcibly

It is not necessary to step forward

I "am so mother"…"

The exchanges are ends here.

(the interval of the lesson)

Because was the exchanges of short break time, sleep;)

Then, did she take any action? Did you change?


It is expectation しちゃいけません for short-circuiting such a thing. (笑)

What is important

"Oneself who feels that it is troublesome is wrong"

という, 思 いこみをはずしてあげることでした.

Her who is brought up in a reliable family,

It is tight, and feeling it inwardly,

Because I came somehow.

Is a cancer rose that much; may eat it.

I am tired with that alone when I do too much my best.

It is "troublesome" は, the signature of the motivation.

It is not a feeling facing the back by any means.

If I can think so first of all,

The chance to step forward to the next,

Is not there is easy to become open, appearing?

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